Academic Studies Abroad

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How To Prepare For Visitors While Studying Abroad

How To Prepare For Visitors While Studying Abroad

It is typical for friends or family of study abroad students to visit them during their time abroad. We are always asked by parents “when is the best time to visit my son/daughter?” Our top recommendation is for visitors to visit you abroad AFTER your program has ended, which means two things:

  1. They will need to book their plane tickets when you book yours BECAUSE...

  2. You will need to figure out when you will come home so that you can book a return ticket (if you need to get a Visa they have to see a round trip ticket booked).

Note: Make sure your visitors have hotel or Airbnb accommodations, as they won’t be able to stay with you per ASA policy. If they’re booking their trip before you know where you’re living, they should look for accommodation in the city center. Students don’t usually find out where they are living until a few weeks before they depart for their host city. 

Don’t double book yourself. If you know you have visitors coming, don’t book trips away with you friends. Your visitors may not be able to or want to join you! Prioritize them as they have traveled across the world to come see you for a few days or weeks. 

Academic obligations like exams, tests and class field trips cannot be rescheduled or made up, and your grade may be impacted by absences from class. You may not be able to skip class to spend time with visitors. So, when is the best time for your family and friends to visit?

  • After the program ends

  • During scheduled breaks (spring break or fall break)

This is not our top recommendation as study abroad students like to travel with friends that they made abroad during school breaks usually. I mean, when else could you “spring break it” in London and Paris for a week with five of your closest friends and then return home to Barcelona? That’s a spring break you will never top… and no offense, mom, but you don’t want to keep your child from getting to do something that amazing. 

Some tips to prepare for visitors: 

  • Do your homework before they arrive

  • Keep a list of your favorite things to do and favorite places to eat in your host city

  • Talk to visitors before they arrive to find out their “must-dos” and plan them into your schedule/itinerary

  • PLAN!

  • PLAN!

  • PLAN!

Your visitors only have limited time in your host city, whereas you have weeks/months abroad. Make sure you plan ahead so you have as much time to show them around as you can! You know your city better than they will, so be a good tour guide and prepare. You don’t want to rob them of an AMAZING experience because you forgot you had an assignment due or planned to go to a city for the day with another friend weeks ago. Prioritize them and plan for a fun few days/weeks!