Academic Studies Abroad

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How To Apply For A Passport To Study Abroad

How To Apply For A Passport To Study Abroad

How disappointed in yourself would you be if you let a process that takes just a few minutes to complete keep you from studying and living in your dream city? Well… if you forget to apply for a passport, then that last sentence will become all too real. 

People think that applying for a passport takes a lot of time, but really it is just filling out some information, getting your picture taken, and waiting for the government to process everything. The waiting portion is what takes the most time: 8 weeks (if it’s not expedited) to be exact. So don’t procrastinate! Instead of watching one last episode of Friends on Netflix, go to this site and get started on applying for your passport. Netflix will still be there tomorrow, but your window to get a passport in time to study abroad may not be.

IMPORTANT TIP: If your passport expires within 6 months of your return flight, the airline will not let you board your departing flight! You actually won’t even be able to use this passport to get a visa, therefore study abroad in most cases, and will have to get a new one right away. 

When is the best time to apply for a passport?

RIGHT NOW! You will likely need a valid passport 3-4 months in advance of departure in order to complete the necessary pre-departure steps that ensure your legal ability to go, like applying for a Visa! 

Open your passport (if you have one) and check the date of expiration. Then go on ASA’s website and find your program, the dates, and count the months from the time the program ends to when your passport expires. If it is 6 months or less then you need a new passport (ex. Leave Florence to come home in May, passport expires in August) but if it doesn’t expire until more than 6 months after you go abroad, you can use that passport (ex. Leave Barcelona to come home in June of this year, passport expires next March). 

So, if your passport does expire between now and 6 months after returning from abroad, renew it immediately and use EXPEDITED SERVICE, which takes 2-3 weeks instead of 8! 

Important Tip: Always demand expedited service, even if it is discouraged where you apply. Those assisting you might be looking at your departure date and not realize that you’re applying for a Visa, which you need a valid passport for and is something that needs to be done well before your departure date.

How do I apply for a passport?

Dual Citizen? 

This might exempt you from needing a Visa. If you have dual citizenship and multiple passports, please let us know so we can instruct you on which one to use for the application process and to bring abroad!